17 Oktober 2023 pukul 16:32 • Tahun penggunaan: 2022
Umpan balik yang disetujui untuk dipublikasikanNilai ulasan0
UTEX - hesitated for a long time at first, tried it and I don't understand where I was before
I have always treated shares for crypto so badly. After all, a fund is a fund, crypto is crypto. But I decided to give it a try. Everything goes quite competently. Help from support… Everything is withdrawn on time and without delays
Friendly interface, with which even a beginner can easily understand, there are shares of US companies and crypto – the full set. The site works stably, deposit and withdrawal of funds is fast. It’s nice that technical support responds promptly and often helps with any questions;
very convenient terminal
fast platform
normal commissions
cool feature of warning about the spread, so that you don't run into illiquid assets
sometimes can be slow, but very rarely
leverage only 30x
no mobile application
Pendapat yang lebih jujur dari orang-orang nyata tentang perusahaan UTEX
Robert Baker1 tahun yang lalu
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Bukan pertukaran yang buruk selama sanksi
Saya ingin membagikan tanggapan saya tentang perdagangan di bursa UTEX. Saya mempelajari pertukaran ini relatif baru, pada tahun 2022. Bagi saya pribadi, ini ternyata menjadi satu-satunya solusi setelah memblokir broker utama ternama. Saya memperdagangkan saham, dana AS. Itu sebabnya saya menemukan UTEX... Baca lebih lanjut
Yolac Onarici1 tahun yang lalu
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Pialang Rusia
Dengan baik. apa lagi yang diharapkan? Pencipta UTEX tampaknya masih muda dan termotivasi, namun mentalitas Rusia tidak dapat dipatahkan. semuanya di satu tempat...
Pengguna anonim1 tahun yang lalu
Nilai ulasan1
Ultimate tool for investors
Using UTEX since 2022. First thing that attracted me is trading stocks with crypto. So smooth and fast. I used 10+ brokers, but they all require qualification, huge commission rates and do have old-looking unfriendly interfaces. And no one offers trading pairs with USDT. For me, as a both stocks &... Baca lebih lanjut
UTEX - hesitated for a long time at first, tried it and I don't understand where I was before
I have always treated shares for crypto so badly. After all, a fund is a fund, crypto is crypto. But I decided to give it a try. Everything goes quite competently. Help from support… Everything is withdrawn on time and without delays
Friendly interface, with which even a beginner can easily understand, there are shares of US companies and crypto – the full set. The site works stably, deposit and withdrawal of funds is fast. It’s nice that technical support responds promptly and often helps with any questions;